The Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of the most effective tools available for small businesses, especially for those just starting out. At its core, it’s about sending valuable content directly to the inboxes of people who are interested in your products or services. Unlike social...
5 Methods to Increase Pinterest Traffic to your Website
Do you have a Pinterest account that you want to use to get traffic to your website? Pinterest, like all social media, can be a useful tool in business. But unlike other forms of social media, there is less interaction with your followers - you can't have a...
How to promote your small business and get more clients
In the years I’ve been running this website I constantly hear questions like “how do I attract more clients” or “what social media should I be doing” or even “I don’t have any products why do I need a website?” There’s no one right magical way to promote your small...
How to Find Free Images for Your Website
Images are a great way to complement the information you are trying to communicate on your website, blog or social media. Lets face it, humans are visual creatures and we like looking at pictures. A compelling photo can tell your story better and increase the...
3 Strengths That Will Help Your Online Business Outperform Its Competitors
There are over 1.5 billion websites on the internet today. Customers are now shopping online for most items which skyrocketed during the pandemic; 55% of people at least search the business online to look for reviews before buying anything from the store. It is...
What tricks should you be borrowing from your competitors blogs?
What you can learn from the blogs of your competitors? If you are going to invest time and effort in creating and using a blog for your business, you want to make sure that it works. One good way of getting ideas to help make this happen is to take a look at the blogs...
Marketing Your WAHM Business with a Facebook Page
Have a limited marketing budget? Activities that would cost hundreds or thousands of dollars on other mediums can be done for a fraction of the cost online. One cost effective way is with a Facebook page. Before you even determine the information of your marketing...
The Twenty Six (26) Golden Rules Of Online Marketing
When you know, respect and live the fundamental truths of life, your journey becomes easier and your load much lighter. Here are the fundamental truths of online marketing, of life, and of the universe. Okay, maybe they're not so grand as all that – I'll let you...
Ultimate Guide to running a Successful Online Store
Many entrepreneurial people dream of running an online store, sitting back and watching the money flood into their new empire. But it’s not as easy as that – if it was, we’d all be doing it. When you put in the effort, however, even a mother working from home can do...
How to generate brand interest through social media competitions
If you take a good look at social media, it seems like that for some social media users, they were born to be successful in the world of social media and everything has always been easy for them. They get promotional products left right and centre and enjoy fame and...