Mum’s Marketplace is a business directory brought to you by Work At Home Mums.
Are you a work at home mum with a business who could use a boost? Do you want a cost effective way to reach thousands of perspective customers? Advertise on the Mum’s Marketplace business directory. Work At Home Mums has over 10,000 unique website visitors per month, more than 26,000 Facebook followers and over 5,000 Twitter followers.
We all want to support small business and Mum’s Marketplace is a great place for mums (or dads or anyone) to find products and services then need and support a WAHM at the same time.
It doesn’t matter if you sell handmade items, provide hairdressing services at home, have an online store or are a virtual assistant wanting clients, Mum’s Marketplace has a spot for you.
Standard Yearly Listing
- Create a page about your business
- Add your logo or other images
- Be part of the WAHM community
- Page shared on social media
- Page included in WAHM e-newsletter