The biggest concerns in respect of heavy metals are the affects that lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic can have on your health.

All of these metals are known to remain in your body; allowing a build-up and illness in the future as toxicity levels rise.

These metals are often found in the water supply. This is often a result of old plumbing fittings or the pipes that carry the water corroding on the inside.

Heavy metals are also released into the environment by factories and can then enter through minute cracks in the pipes.

If you haven’t looked at water filters Sydney then you are the water filter in your water system. This means these heavy metals are accumulating in your body; potentially causing health issues in the future.

Identifying The Heavy Metals

There is only one way to know if the heavy metals are present in your water supply; you need to have the water tested.

You can’t smell or even taste the heavy metal; testing in a lab is the only way to be certain. This will also tell you the levels of toxicity you are dealing with.

Removing The Heavy Metals

The most effective way of removing these heavy metals from your water supply is to install a filter system.

This can be as simple as fitting a cartridge under your sink or even using a filtration jug. However, if you are intending to use a water filter in your home then you need to make sure it deals with the metals in your water supply.

This is why it is imperative to have your water tested first.

  • Activated Carbon

These are some of the most popular filters on the market and for good reason. They are effective at blocking debris, bacteria and they can remove copper, lead or mercury from you water supply.

This should make you much more confident when drinking your water.

  • Reverse Osmosis

This type of filter simply passes water through a semi-permeable membrane. This allows the water through but blocks debris and other items.

It is very effective at blocking the heavier metals, such as cadmium.

This approach is generally more expensive but worthwhile if your water test shows heavier metals present.

Perhaps the best approach, although certainly the most expensive, is to opt for both.

The two can be fitted as one filter system which will make it easier to maintain.

You will need to decide whether a whole house system is best for you or whether you can manage on one that supplies a specific tap.

The Most Important Step

The critical thing to remember once you have installed a filter system is when the filter cartridge needs to be replaced. There is little point in having the system fitted if you don’t change the filter regularly.

This will help to ensure the heavy metals and other contaminants are removed and your water is safe to drink or cook with.